Business Ethics Topics

The field of business ethics extends its range every day. People around the world are continually engaging in businesses of different types. There are various issues to discuss from honesty to human rights and environmental protection.

In essence, business ethics is concerned with conflicts that bother around ethics between employers, their staff, clients, and their environments. In this article, you will find some topics for your research paper and some tips too.

Research Paper Topics for Business Ethics

  1. Why should businesses protect the environment?
  2. Morality and decision making in business
  3. What is the primary cause of unethical work behavior?
  4. Avoiding Cultural, Religious and Political conflicts at work
  5. Doing business effectively across cultural boundaries

Tips on Writing Business Ethics Research Papers

  • Be sure to do your research about a predefined issue that should be around your chosen topic.
  • Your paper should follow a particular pattern. In most cases, your instructor would give guidelines as to how the work should be done. Be sure to follow all of such instructions. Otherwise, if you are not granted any, just be sure that your work has an introduction, a background or literature review, methods, results, and a conclusion.
  • As you come across ideas from the sources that you have selected, be sure to mark them up, so you don’t forget. You can also make a draft of how you intend to use these ideas.
  • Ensure that your work is plagiarism-free. If you have to quote someone, make good use of quotation marks. Also, familiarize yourself with the guidelines available for referencing.
  • Cut the excesses out as much as possible. To avoid wasting much of your time and having to repeat yourself, always concentrate on your work and pay little concerns to other trivialities.

Most Exciting Business Ethics Topics

Looking for a topic can be difficult and time-demanding. However, to save you the hassle of wasting so much energy and time, we have put together this list that would help you stay current:

Social Media

This area has lots of topics relating to business ethics. Companies today, for instance, are very particular about their image. Cases have been reported of some employees who were fired for representing their companies poorly on social media. By making clever use of Google Scholar, you’ll find almost all you need to complete topics in this area of business ethics.


Ideally, the modern-day business is expected to be culturally diverse. Unfortunately, some businesses do not comply with these requirements for some reasons best known to them. Discrimination is not only a matter of race, but it also includes issues around gender, age, and some other things. You will find a whole lot of resources from which you can choose from as regarding this topic.     

Privacy and Surveillance

As of today, many companies use cameras and other security systems to ensure that their workers do what they are supposed to do. Your research can be tailored around finding out if companies use these systems for the said purpose alone. To what extent is it acceptable for bosses to watch their employees?


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